ConnBiz-Communication Solution for SMEs


SMEs & Messenger


Apple iOS, Android, Web-Platform


Android Framework, Java, Ant, Google Maps

Project details

The Qatsol team has worked intensively on the app concept and the vision behind it in order to present it on the website. Intensive discussions were held with the employees in order to be able to map the entire spectrum of functions. A simple usability and high usability were the focus of the development in order to quickly grasp the advantages of the Messenger.

  • Transfering the idea & vision
  • High clarity & usability
  • Individual branding
  • High recognition value

ConnBiz — Communication solution for companies

ConnBiz has developed a communication solution for companies to improve and accelerate internal and external communication. The Messenger is adaptable to the corporate design and thus increases the recognition value for outsiders. The entire communication is encrypted and all data protection guidelines (DSGVO) are adhered to, which is a unique selling point for ConnBiz.


Qatsol should design a convincing web presence that appeals to companies and users alike. They were to be quickly convinced of the advantages of the new messenger, so great importance was attached to an intuitive and eye-catching design.